Thinking Traps Podcast!

At the end of 2024, Dr. Emma Richardson partnered with Tackle Your Feelings and the Dyl & Friends Podcast to create several mini podcast episodes on thinking traps! Thinking traps are common unhelpful patterns of thinking which can increase feelings of anxiety and depression. The thinking traps covered in these Teach Me, Pls episodes include Catastrophising, Jumping to Conclusions, Shoulding and Musting, Overgeneralising, and Mental Filtering. Take a listen or watch the episodes by clicking on one of the below links:

Challenging Thinking Traps!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about Thinking Traps through videos with Dr. Emma Richardson. Thinking traps are common unhelpful patterns of thinking which can increase feelings of anxiety and depression. Some of the thinking traps covered include Catastrophising, Shoulding and Musting, Overgeneralising, and Mental Filtering. Check out how to use “Thought Challenging” questions to address these and other common thinking traps in the image below.

R U OK? Any Day

Yesterday was R U OK Day!

However, here at Well Minds Work we encourage you to ask R U OK? any day – because life happens every day.

A lot can happen in a year, a month, a week. Whether it’s your friend, family member, colleague, partner, or teammate, the people you care about go through life’s ups and downs every day.

By having regular, meaningful conversations, you build trust and normalise talking about what’s really going on, so when the people in your world find themselves struggling, they know you’re someone they can talk to.

To find out more about how to have this type of conversation, check-out the R U OK? website:

Bring Your Manners to Work Day!

Happy Workplace Manners Day 2024!

Today, let’s take a moment to appreciate the psychological power of good manners in our professional lives.

Good manners aren’t just about politeness—they’re a crucial part of a positive workplace culture that enhances productivity, reduces stress, and fosters better collaboration. When we practice kindness, empathy, and respect, we create an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated.

So today, let’s celebrate by committing to small, meaningful gestures that make a big difference. A “thank you,” a thoughtful email, or even a friendly smile can transform our workplace atmosphere.

Share your favourite workplace manners that make a difference in your daily routine!

Perinatal Mental Health

Bringing a new baby into the world is an exciting time for expectant parents. Nevertheless, perinatal mental health issues around the time of a newborn are more common than you think. This is more than feeling a little down or worrying from time to time and can have a significant impact on parents and infants.

If you want to learn more about identifying, preventing and managing symptoms of perinatal mental health issues get in contact with Emma or Jess at [email protected] or 0421 798 891

Image sourced: PANDA

Dry July!

It’s Dry July!

Many Australians are forgoing alcohol this month to support fundraising for cancer support services. This is a great cause and we encourage everyone to get involved. In addition to events like Dry July, we also recommend more consistenly cutting back alcohol intake by having AFDs (alcohol free days). These can be benefical for both your physical and mental health.

Check out the infographic below to find out more about these benefits!


It’s NAIDOC Week – July 7-14 2024!

NAIDOC celebrations are held around Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Well Minds Work acknowledge we have alot to learn is this space, and are committed to growing our understanding of the traditions, culture and experiences of the Palawa people here in Lutruwita.

The week is celebrated not just in the First Nations communities but also in increasing numbers of government agencies, schools, local councils and workplaces.

Have a think about how your workplace can celebrate NAIDOC week this year!

For some ideas check out the link below:

Sleep Hygiene

“Sleep hygiene” refers to healthy habits, behaviours and environmental factors that can be adjusted to help you have a good night’s sleep.

Lifestyle factors such as doing too many stimulating activities close to bed (work, content consumption), consuming excessive caffeine or alcohol, low physical activity and excessively busy schedules pose a risk to obtaining adequate sleep.

Some sleeping problems can be caused by bad sleep habits reinforced over years or even decades. Therefore keeping these sleep habits up can help prevent the onset of common sleep problems such as insomnia which is reported in around 20% of Australians (AHIW). If you do develop sleep problems, you may need more targeted support.

If you are interested in some of these targeted strategies to address sleep problems get in touch with Well Minds Work at [email protected] to find out about Sleep Workshops!

Fostering Independence

Well Minds Work get a lot of questions asking how to support children who have anxious temperaments or who may be apprehensive about trying new things.

First of all, it is normal for children to have some anxiety when trying new things! New is scary, as we don’t know what will happen next.

When it comes to our little people, having a safe-base (in us as the adults) and supporting them to be “brave” and try new activities can be so helpful in fostering developmentally appropriate independence. Whether this be encouraging and watching them engage with new play equipment, to attending school, making a new friend or starting a new sport or recreational activity.

When it come to fostering independence we need to support children to try things (when they’re ready) and provide validation for their efforts, encouragement for future attempts and reassurance we will be there for support if they don’t get it quite right the first time.

If you would like to know more about Well Minds Work and the workshops we have on offer please feel free to get in touch at [email protected]