
Neurodiversity Celebration Week!

It’s Neurodiversity Celebration Week! Well Minds Work would like to acknowledge people with neurodiversity and the challenges associated with navigating a predominantly neurotypcial world.

We are hopeful that awareness can be built regarding the strengths of being neurodiverse and that we can move towards more neuroaffirming understandings and approaches!

For more information check out https://www.neurodiversityweek.com/

#neurodiversity #neurodiversityweek

IMAS Workshop

Well Minds Work Workshop in Focus – IMAS

Well Minds Work has already had a busy start to 2024, conducting mental health and wellbeing workshops with prominent organisations in Tasmania!

Today Well Minds Work collaborated with the PhD students at IMAS, completing a training session on anticipating and preventing burnout, as well as how to enhance self-care.

We thoroughly enjoyed the enthusiasm from the team at IMAS, which resulted in many productive conversations.

Please get in touch if you or your team are interested in engaging in some similar training! ?

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Well Minds Work Perinatal Mental Health Workshop!

Well Minds Work understand the importance of maintaining good mental health during the perinatal period. That’s why we have put together a perinatal mental health workshop aimed at teaching new parents about the signs and symptoms of perinatal anxiety and depression, as well as some mental health based coping strategies that will benefit all expecting and existing parents!

This workshop will run on Saturday the 17th of February at Eternal Womens Health, Hobart!

To find out more about this workshop check out the facebook event here: https://fb.me/e/1r9FNX5m3


Psychosocial Hazards – Recognise the Signs

A psychosocial hazard is anything that could cause psychological harm (e.g. harm someone’s mental health). Common psychosocial hazards at work include: High job demands, lack of support, inadequate reward and recognition and bullying.

Under WHS model laws a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must eliminate psychosocial risks, or if that is not reasonably practicable, minimise them so far as is reasonably practicable.
Psychosocial Risk Assessment assists in identifying hazards and appropriate controls to meet WHS standards.

Contact Well Minds Work (email: [email protected] – phone: 0421 798 891) for more information on identifying Psychosocial Hazards in your workplace today!

Brain Beer Logo Icon Design

Psychology in the Pub: Stop the Drama! How to Escape Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics

A big shoutout and thank you to everyone who came along to Hobart Brewing Co. yesterday for the last Psych in the Pub for 2023 – Stop the Drama! How to Escape Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics.

Unfortunately one of our amazing presenters – Dr. Emma – was unwell, so Jess needed to go solo for this one. Although Emma was sorely missed, we had a great afternoon of fun and learning!

Can’t wait to see you all next year for more Psych in the Pub sessions and please get in touch with any topics of interest!

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Psychology in the Pub: Psychology of Psychopathy!

Thank you to everyone who made it to Psych in the Pub: The Psychology of Psychopathy yesterday!

Well Minds Work were stoked with how many people turned up to learn about how to spot a psychopath, what makes them tick and what to do if you ever come in contact with psychopath yourself!

A big thankyou to Hobart Brewing Co. for their ongoing support of Psych in the Pub.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the next Psychology in the Pub coming up in November!


Well Minds Work Workshop in Focus – MONA People, Culture and Safety Teams

Well Minds Work has already had a busy start to 2023 conducting psychosocial risk assessments as well as mental health and wellbeing workshops with prominent organisations in Tasmania!

Last Tuesday Well Minds Work collaborated with the People and Culture and Safety Teams at MONA, completing half a day of training on identifying signs and symptoms of stress, psychoeducation on the stress bucket model and increasing evidence-based coping strategies, as well as individual assessment of self-care needs.

We thoroughly enjoyed the enthusiasm the team at MONA teams brought to the day, which resulted in many productive conversations.

Please get in touch if you or your team are interested in engaging in some similar training! ?