Perinatal Mental Health

Bringing a new baby into the world is an exciting time for expectant parents. Nevertheless, perinatal mental health issues around the time of a newborn are more common than you think. This is more than feeling a little down or worrying from time to time and can have a significant impact on parents and infants.

If you want to learn more about identifying, preventing and managing symptoms of perinatal mental health issues get in contact with Emma or Jess at [email protected] or 0421 798 891

Image sourced: PANDA

Dry July!

It’s Dry July!

Many Australians are forgoing alcohol this month to support fundraising for cancer support services. This is a great cause and we encourage everyone to get involved. In addition to events like Dry July, we also recommend more consistenly cutting back alcohol intake by having AFDs (alcohol free days). These can be benefical for both your physical and mental health.

Check out the infographic below to find out more about these benefits!

End Violence Against Women

Recently there has been much conversation regarding violence against women, both in the media and in the community. This topic can be uncomfortable, but it is important that we all work together towards reducing the occurrance and impact of this violence.

If you want to learn more, or access support for yourself or someone else, here are some good places to start:
– 1800RESPECT:
– White Ribbon Australia:
– ReachOut:
– Engender Equality:


Well Minds Work Workshop in Focus – Lady Gowrie

Over the past month Well Minds Work has been completing a series of workshops across Tasmania for Lady Gowrie. These were focused on managing anxiety in children from birth to 12 years old. We were delighted with the knowledge, participation, and enthusiasm by childhood educators and inclusion professionals attending the sessions. Some of the key takeaways for participants were learning what anxiety looks like and how to manage it, as well as where and when to get more support. The UTAS University Psychology Clinic provides low cost therapy and assessment services for children and their families. You can learn more about these services here: ??‍?‍?‍?

The below image is a snapshot of an article to be included in Lady Gowrie’s upcoming newsletter! ?

IMAS Workshop

Well Minds Work Workshop in Focus – IMAS

Well Minds Work has already had a busy start to 2024, conducting mental health and wellbeing workshops with prominent organisations in Tasmania!

Today Well Minds Work collaborated with the PhD students at IMAS, completing a training session on anticipating and preventing burnout, as well as how to enhance self-care.

We thoroughly enjoyed the enthusiasm from the team at IMAS, which resulted in many productive conversations.

Please get in touch if you or your team are interested in engaging in some similar training! ?

Brain Beer Logo Icon Design

Psychology in the Pub: Stop the Drama! How to Escape Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics

A big shoutout and thank you to everyone who came along to Hobart Brewing Co. yesterday for the last Psych in the Pub for 2023 – Stop the Drama! How to Escape Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics.

Unfortunately one of our amazing presenters – Dr. Emma – was unwell, so Jess needed to go solo for this one. Although Emma was sorely missed, we had a great afternoon of fun and learning!

Can’t wait to see you all next year for more Psych in the Pub sessions and please get in touch with any topics of interest!

Brain Beer Logo Icon Design

Well Minds Work presents Psychology in the Pub (no. 6)!

Psychology in the Pub: A Snapshot into the Science behind Sleep

Good sleep is continually promoted as a key factor in maintaining both physical and mental health, but what exactly does good sleep look like? A snapshot into the science behind sleep will give an overview of what typical sleep looks like, evidence based facts on what constitutes “good” sleep, and debunk common sleep myths! This interactive talk will also provide practical tips on how to improve sleep habits to get a better night’s sleep. The actionable skills you will learn can be immediately implemented at home so you can function more effectively and facilitate better mental health.

This talk is part of a series of “Psychology in the Pub” presentations, where psychologists present on a range of interesting and engaging topics related to mental health and psychological issues. Emma and Jess look forward to welcoming you to a fun and relaxing afternoon of learning!


Presenters: Clinical Psychologists Dr Emma Richardson and Jessica Forward

When: Sunday July 9th – Presentation from 4:00pm-5:00pm

Where: Hobart Brewing Co. 16 Evans Street, Hobart

Tickets: $10 – from

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Well Minds Work Perinatal Mental Health Workshops!

Well Minds Work understand the importance of maintaining good mental health during the perinatal period. That’s why we have put together some perinatal mental health workshops aimed at teaching people about the signs and symptoms of perinatal anxiety and depression, as well as some mental health based coping strategies that will benefit all expecting and existing parents!

These workshops will be starting in July and you can read more about them by accessing our event here: Please get in touch if interested!

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Well Minds Work and Psychosocial Hazards

Australian organisations are required by Workplace Health and Safety Laws to manage hazards in the workplace. The most recent Workplace Health and Safety Regulations (2022) include a specific requirement for organisations to prevent and manage psychosocial hazards.

A new Code of Practice has been introduced to help guide the prevention and management of psychosocial hazards, which include: high job demand, inadequate reward and recognition of staff, bullying, and many more.

Well Minds Work are now completing Psychosocial Risk Assessments to assist workplaces to identify psychosocial hazards, assess risk, develop initatives to control identified hazards, and review implemented control measures.

Get in contact with us if you are interested in finding out more about how Well Minds Work can help you assess and manage psychosocial hazards!

Image credit: Safe Work Australia