Hello, and welcome to our business page!
If you do not already know us (Jessica Forward – left; and Dr. Emma Richardson – right) we are the Co-Founders of WMW. We are both registered psychologists who have a shared interest in preventative mental health and community education.
We began WMW because we are passionate about empowering individuals to become their own mental health professionals through learning and self-reflection.
We have previously worked across numerous settings but solidified our working relationship and friendship through development of a community-based program for a non-for-profit organisation during 2019. This inspired the dream of WMW and prompted us to develop workshops targeted at organisations as a way of impacting a larger audience and improving psychological wellbeing, workplace productivity, and employee satisfaction.
To find out more about us and what we do at WMW, please explore our website: https://www.wellmindswork.com.au/ – or contact us via email at [email protected]