Well Minds Work offers a range of interactive evidence-based wellbeing workshops that can be tailored to meet your organisational needs. These workshops will be facilitated by two psychologists in a face-to-face format at your organisation or at our own external location in the Hobart CBD (max 20 people).

Mental Health Workshops

Half day, full day, or two day wellbeing workshops that are aimed at providing evidence-based information and strategies for improving mental health, self-care, and resilience and are suitable for everyone (individuals, employees, management, employers). Mental health knowledge and psychological benefits will be assessed through pre- and post- workshop measures.

Half day workshop includes psycho-education about wellbeing, strategies for dealing with challenging thoughts and emotions, behavioural strategies for improving wellbeing, an explanation of how and where to get more mental health support, and a helpful resource pack.  

Full day workshop includes psycho-education about wellbeing, multiple strategies for dealing with challenging thoughts and emotions (including relaxation skills and how to create a mental health first aid kit), behavioural strategies for improving wellbeing (i.e., sleep, physical activity, diet, substance use, social connection), strategies for effective time management, how to increase self-compassion, an explanation of how and where to get more mental health support, and a helpful resource pack.  

Two day workshop includes everything from the full day workshop plus the identification of personal and organisational values, learning how to apply these values within the workplace, communication skills, steps to effective conflict resolution, recognising signs and symptoms of stress and burnout, preventing and seeking help for burnout, and a helpful resource pack.

Manager Workshops

Tailored workshops for managers and employers based on organisational context and needs. For example:

     – Learning how to best support and communicate with all employees

     – Learning how to best support and communicate with anxious employees

     – Anticipating and preventing burnout

     – And more…

Employee Workshops

Tailored workshops for employees based on organisational context and needs. For example:

     – Coping with trauma for emergency service workers

     – Anticipating and preventing burnout 

     – Living mindfully

     – Managing substance use and preventing substance dependence

     – Understanding and managing anxiety

     – And more…

Wellbeing Programs

Implementation of tailored staff wellbeing programs and ongoing support for organisations. May include: 

     – Explanation of why wellbeing is essential in an organisational context

     – Completion of an analysis of your organisations wellbeing needs

     – Development of a wellbeing strategy for your organisation

     – Implementation of your tailored wellbeing strategy (including training of employees and management as needed)

     – Assessment of the effectiveness of your wellbeing strategy

     – Updates of your wellbeing strategy as needed over time